Does Your Vehicle Need A New Car Battery?

Does Your Vehicle Need a New Car Battery?

There’s nothing quite as stressful as a car that won’t start due to a dead battery. Some people believe this is unavoidable because you can’t tell when you will need a new car battery.  However, you can prevent it by paying attention to a few critical indicators.

At Sierra Blanca Motors, we evaluate car battery issues and can install a new car battery for you. For a vehicle check-up, contact us at 575-257-4081.

How Long Do Car Batteries Last?

Quality car batteries last approximately four to five years. Actual life depends on many factors, including:

  • Battery brand
  • Car care
  • Climate
  • Driving patterns
  • Type of vehicle

Additionally, cheaper batteries will not last as long as higher quality batteries. Investing in reliable car parts and equipment is essential because anything less can leave you stranded.

The same principle applies to regular maintenance and service. Your car battery does not function alone. If you do not keep critical components running efficiently, they will perform poorly, placing more strain on the battery. These components include the alternator, belts, fluids, and lights.

Electrical Fault | Parasitic Drain

The battery powers all electrical components within a vehicle, including the lights and the radio, even when the vehicle is off.

Alone, these components do not absorb much excess energy from the battery. The battery can continue to power these components when the car is off without affecting the charge necessary to run the vehicle. However, if any of these components become faulty, they can drain the battery quickly and completely, leaving the vehicle unable to start.

Professionals refer to it as a parasitic drain when faulty equipment pulls excess power from the battery.

If the battery dies from this excessive power drain, it is possible to recharge it and get back up and running. However, if this occurs multiple times, it will take a toll on your battery life.

Check for faulty equipment if you suspect a parasitic drain.

Your Vehicle Struggles to Start | Your Vehicle Doesn’t Start

Struggling to start a car is another indicator of a possibly poor-performing battery.

Batteries operate by creating electrical energy from a chemical reaction within the battery box. If the chemicals within the box are low or the electrical connections are compromised, the battery may not have enough power to meet electrical needs.

Once charged, the battery feeds the electrical components continuously. As stored energy drains, the alternator recharges the battery. This process repeats every time the vehicle runs.

Battery components do not last forever. As this cycle repeats, parts will wear down. Over time, the battery will run less efficiently or die completely.

A low battery charge may be enough to start the vehicle, but this will not last long and put additional wear on the alternator. Check the battery if your vehicle takes longer to start or doesn’t start at all.

Alternator Fuse Issues

If a battery dies and the vehicle can’t start, it isn’t always because of a failing battery. The alternator plays a significant role in keeping the energy flowing to the electrical components.

The alternator is responsible for recharging the battery as it powers the car's electrical system. If the alternator is not functioning correctly, it won’t be able to recharge the battery. As a result, once drained of all its power, the battery will die and be unable to continue functioning, regardless if it is a new car battery.

A common cause of alternator failure is the fuse. If the fuse blows, the alternator will shut off. As the car is running and draining power, the alternator will not recharge the battery.

Another common cause of a faulty alternator is the alternator belt. If your battery cannot hold a charge or dies not long after replacement, consider looking for potential alternator issues.

New Car Battery Replacement | Sierra Blanca Motors, Ruidoso, NM

At Sierra Blanca Motors, we dedicate ourselves to excellent service. We work to keep you safely on the road because that is what we do for family.

We can evaluate your vehicle quickly and efficiently at rates you can afford. We will determine if you need a new car battery or if it needs recharging. If it is improperly draining, we will determine the cause.

For an evaluation or to find a reliable “car battery near me, ” contact Sierra Blanca Motors in Ruidoso, NM,  at 575-257-4081.